10 Incredible Video Game Moments Created By Accident

6. Kratos Forgets His Son's Name? - God Of War (2018)

God of war

Aside from the novel 'one continuous shot' presentation, the visceral gameplay, and the truly wonderful graphics, fans of the 2018 God of War took one defining feature to heart: Kratos' insistence on calling his son "Boy".

Debate has raged ever since as to the origin of this seemingly cold naming convention; does Kratos just not care enough to use Atreus' actual name? Does it show how laconic and pithy the Spartans were as a people? Does it speak to some wider trauma inflicted upon Kratos' fragile psyche, rendering him unable to even recall the given name of his heir?

The game's director however, Cory Barlog, has offered a much more sobering, all-too real world reason for this decision:

The developers simply couldn't come up with a good enough name for the child, but they still had to record the dialogue on schedule.

Intending to have voice actor Christopher Judge go back and re-record some lines of dialogue once the name was finalised, the developers instead left in the majority of the "Boy" references, realising the impact and effectiveness just as much as the fans did.

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God of War
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