10 Incredible Video Game Moments Created By Accident

5. Horsing Around - Red Dead Redemption

God of war
Rockstar Games

Red Dead Redemption, while a true classic of a game, was not without its fair share of bugs, glitches, and utter hilarity.

Most notable of these were the horse glitches, from which memes aplenty have sprung and memorable moments captured and immortalised on YouTube.

One in particular stands head and shoulders above other famous glitches: Marston riding a peasant instead of a horse.

If you can find it on YouTube, it's still a riot to watch, even today.

Marston whistles for his trusty steed and, upon hearing said signal, a random NPC turns up instead of the horse.

Rather than dismiss said peasant and call again for his equine companion, Marston instead mounts the human and proceeds to ride off as usual.

All that's missing from this Monty Python-esque stupidity is the clacking coconut shells.

This is by no means the only horse-based hilarity in Red Dead either, with similar instances on record such as horses flying, horses riding on the backs of humans, and even horses mounting and riding on the backs of other horses.

Okay, so these may not be epic, legendary moments in the grand scheme of things, but are pretty memorable to Red Dead players.

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God of War
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