10 Incredible Video Games Released On Terrible Consoles

8. Alien Vs. Predator (Atari Jaguar)

Alien VS Predator Jaguar

The Jaguar was Atari's last attempt at a home game console before withdrawing from the market altogether, and despite touting some impressive gear under-the-hood, it was a buggy and difficult platform to develop for, leading to a small library of games, most of which were a bit naff.

It didn't help that the controller was an ungainly abomination with a phone keypad essentially welded onto the bottom, and its already tepid commercial performance was thoroughly steamrolled by the arrival of the Saturn and especially the PlayStation in the years that followed. By 1996, the Jaguar was dead.

But the jewel in the Jaguar's crown is surely the best-selling game of its launch year, Alien vs Predator, a rarest of mid-90s movie/comic adaptations that actually worked.

AvP allowed players to play as not only the Xenomorph and the Predator but also a Colonial Marine, ensuring that its corridor-trawling campaign was both dynamic and ferociously intense (especially the Marine portion).

The visuals were mind-blowing for the time and still hold up relatively well today, especially the inclusion of "Predator vision" while playing as the titular creature.

More than anything, though, the game oozed atmosphere and gave players an experience they couldn't find on any other platform - and still can't. Plans for a sequel were put into motion, though this naturally all fell apart when the Jaguar peaced out.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.