10 Incredible Video Games Released On Terrible Consoles

7. Pikmin 3 (Wii U)

Pikmin 3

The Wii U is a most bizarre blip for Nintendo who, hot off the success of the Wii, clearly hoped for similar results with their next home console, released in 2012.

But an atrocious marketing campaign doomed the Wii U from the jump. Casual consumers weren't aware that it was a distinct, delineated new console rather than a new iteration of the Wii, and the lack of a distinguishing hardware hook failed to interest many outside of the hardcore Nintendo crowd.

With a weak lineup of games sealing the deal, the Wii U went on to sell a laughable 13.56 million units - that's only a few million more than the doomed Sega Game Gear - and, with the success of the Switch, has basically been all-but-forgotten.

While Nintendo has ported many of the Wii U's best-selling games to their handheld-console hybrid, there are a few frustrating exceptions.

Away from the more obvious choices, we have Pikmin 3, the ludicrously addictive and wonderfully adorable real-time strategy game where the player controls three miniature alien creatures looking to save their home planet from annihilation. Aww.

Between the gorgeous visuals, charming art style and devilishly entertaining puzzles, it's a crying shame that Pikmin 3 hasn't yet made a leap to the Switch despite numerous rumours pointing to the possibility.

Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has hinted at the development of Pikmin 4 in the past, but if Nintendo doesn't port Pikmin 3 to the Switch first, this'll be yet another case of them leaving money on the table.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.