10 Incredibly Easy Video Game Achievements That Players DIDN'T Get

8. Lord Of Ironrath - Game Of Thrones

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Telltale Games

Telltale games, while generally a lot of fun to play and providing some genuinely engaging storylines, do tend to suffer from a case of dwindling viewer bases - much like regular TV shows themselves.

However, it's especially weird when you look at Telltale's Game of Thrones series, which by all means should have been the most well played due to the incredible popularity of its TV equivalent. Instead, we're left with a really weird situation, which is that only forty-eight percent of people actually finished the game.

Okay, you think - this is just a case of there being too many chapters in the game, right? Which would make perfect sense, if it wasn't for the fact that Telltale's Walking Dead series has a seventy-two percent completion rate despite being five "episodes" long.

Just to make things a little extra wild, only eighty-five percent of players finished the first part of the first chapter of the game, so it seems like it was fated to have a surprisingly low completion rate from the start.

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