10 Incredibly Easy Video Game Achievements That Players DIDN'T Get

9. You Chose... Poorly - Saints Row IV

GTA IV 4 Thumbnail
Deep Silver

It's fair to say that Saints Row has never really been a game that tries to provide difficult moral decisions that allow you, the player, to grow and confront yourself. It's a series where you beat people up with dildos, not a philosophical journey, and it's always been pretty upfront about that.

But, when you reach the part of the game where you're tasked between going through the red portal and killing yourself to save the human race, or the blue portal to save Matt but "cause more suffering", it's surprising so many choose the blue portal first.

This isn't even weird because the red portal is arguably the "heroic" choice. It's weird because players usually will do anything to see weird death animations, and this door has that concept plastered all over it - even if going in only gives you the credits.

To be fair, this is almost definitely because players were nervous to accidentally end their game, whereas in reality taking this route will just put you back at the portals with a cheeky extra achievement.

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