10 Incredibly Emotional Video Games That Will Totally Break You

1. To The Moon

To The Moon
Freebird Games

Of all the underrated masterpieces, Ken Gao's To The Moon most deserves your attention.

Focussing on an Inception-like tale of granting an old man's dying wish, you play as two scientists who rewrite core memories, meaning any dying or otherwise comatose patient can believe they've achieved the impossible before the end.

It's already a touching setup, and from there on out, To The Moon is a heartstring-puller of the highest order. Gao's script walks the line between unbelievably emotional exchanges as you discover what the man (Johnny)'s life was like before his life-threatening condition, alongside some more Eastern-humoured exchanges between scientists Neil and Eva.

This can be a tricky balance to get right, but Gao does so with the utmost confidence. The concept brings you in immediately, and despite it not having the graphical clout of something like Heavy Rain or Telltale's various titles, excels above and beyond by believing in both its subject matter and the delivery mechanism of video games as a medium.


Which emotional video games left you a total wreck as the credits played? Let us know in the comments!


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