10 Incredibly Emotional Video Games That Will Totally Break You

2. The Last Of Us

the last of us sarah death
Naughty Dog

As much as The Last of Us' ending is one of the most intentionally ambiguous (until its sequel launches, anyway), it's the opening sequence with one of the most outstanding acting performances in gaming history from Troy Baker and Hana Hayes, that gut-punched us right off the bat.

From here on out, you knew exactly the kind of tone Naughty Dog were going for, as gone was the happy-go-lucky, quip-filled romps of an Uncharted. Instead, we were tasked with surviving a zombie apocalypse with real weight and purpose, embodying former father Joel as he attempted to both move on and protect his new 'surrogate daughter', Ellie.

The way writers Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley wrote the game's final level also comes with one hell of a twist, setting up a final shot that lets you assemble the pieces - all the while reeling from that particular gunshot.

Personally, I'd of preferred Naughty Dog leave this franchise to stand the test of time alone, but we'll have to wait and see on whether or not returning to the well to continue the story of Joel and Ellie works out.

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