10 Incredibly Emotional Video Games That Will Totally Break You

7. A Normal Lost Phone

a normal lost phone
Accidental Queens

LGBT rights continue to be a very hot-button topic both in politics and society, so it was only a matter of time before a developer put something together that directly addresses the various prejudices and opinions levied against the community overall.

Gameplay is framed around the idea that the player has discovered the main character's phone; one where there are a few text messages asking "What happened?!", before you then attempt to figure this all out. Some of the puzzles are a little obtuse as you attempt to deduce passwords and secrets locked away, and although it does all feel rather invasive to trawl through someone's phone, the story does give you - literally you - some agency in the tale overall.

A thoroughly important game that means more than ever in the current political climate, A Normal Lost Phone will leave a mark on all who see it through.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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