10 Incredibly Emotional Video Games That Will Totally Break You

6. Gone Home

Gone Home
Fullbright Games

If a recommendation based on a truly great story will get you to try something on a whim, go and play Gone Home. It's absolutely outstanding, and works best when you go in completely blind.

If not, let's go a little deeper.

Playing as one Kaitlin Greenbriar as she returns home following a gap year, you'll be greeted not by hugs and an open-armed family, but with a note on the door from your sister, apologising for some past transgression. From here you're tasked with finding out precisely what happened in the year you were away, both by exploring the house and inspecting every last item or piece of information on offer, and listening to a variety of audio recordings from your sister herself.

Needless to say, there are plenty of twists and turns along the way, but the true genius of Gone Home is how it plays with the established narrative conventions of first-person storytelling and horror games. The more years you've been a gamer, the more the game can play with your expectations, and that - alongside its stellar narrative - is the thing that makes Gone Home such a treasure.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.