10 Incredibly Moving Scenes In Video Games Ruined By Player Input

3. Fable II - I'm Sorry, Did You Want To Kill Him?

Okay, Fable II isn't exactly highly acclaimed in the gripping story department, but this scene is an exception. Your dog was just shot (animal death is a way to make anyone cry, don't deny it) and you went through a psychedelic dream world to claim the ultimate weapon to stop Lord Lucien (which really is never explained but whatever, it's a fantasy game). Now you are able to stop your arch-nemesis, the man who killed your sister, your canine companion and has twice attempted to send you to an early grave. Yeah, about that. This scene had a solid build and could have been done much better, the player just kind of stands there as Lucien rambles and you can just shoot him when you get bored. If you leave it too long though, Reaver, the dastardly pirate voiced by the ever-eloquent Stephen Fry will do it for you. So if you actually want to hear what Lucien has to say, you can't. Why did this need to be interactive? This could have been a cut scene in which Lucien explains his motives and creates a highly memorable scene, sure, this scene is memorable, but primarily because it was one of the poorest excuses for a "boss" battle ever created. The game finally decided to start gripping the player in its final act and then threw it out of the window with a really poorly-worked end scene. There isn't even that much satisfaction in shooting him because the guns in this game are all pea-shooters.

Lifelong wrestling fan and film buff who consumes far too much caffeine. Currently working on a comic book and learning how to cook the perfect fried egg. Both of which are an ongoing process.