10 Infamous Glitches In Video Game History

2. The Goldeneye Spaz Dance

goldeneye_n64_in_a_nutshell_by_weskerfan1236-d5tslf7 This one's an infamous classic. As if the unforgettable 007: Goldeneye for N64 wasn't glitchy enough during game play for you there were more glitches invented by players with too much time on their hands. I seriously want to shake hands with whoever discovered this glitch first. Was it just by random chance or did they know something the rest of us didn't? While playing if you gently dared to lift the left side of your cartridge up out of the console the game would go nuts. The music would become jumbled as the character's bodies would discombobulate into pieces that would tumble through the air in a big mess. This little number could be performed at anytime during the game, even while in cut scenes. Pretty freaking hilarious, however, I would never try it now. Not only can this glitch erase all your game files, but it could also completely ruin your cartridge as well. Ouch. Better leave this one to those with a few extra copies of Goldeneye lying around and see what they already managed to accomplish with one of the oddest glitches of all time...
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation