10 Infamous Glitches In Video Game History

1. The Red Ring Of Death

RED_RING_OF_DEATH_by_juutin My number one reason for not buying the XBox 360 when it first came out: The rumours of the red ring of death. While many ingenious ways were created to fix the console once this began frequently happening to gamers across the globe this "glitch" of sorts still caused many players much frustration. It was discovered that the cause for the red ring was overheating inside the 360's hardware, which lead to the soldering on the console's motherboard to melt. A friend of mine was smart enough to figure it out so he took the console apart and soldered the melted parts back together. Thing worked like a charm, but sounded as loud as a hovercraft in the living room. The red ring of death plagued almost all of the first line of 360's shipped out on the market. Easily one of the worst video game glitches resulting from the developer overlooking the details in gaming history.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation