10 Infamous Video Game Glitches That Cost You 100%

3. Teleport Glitch - Fallout 4

Video game glitches

Bethesda games have about as many bugs as there are memes of Todd Howard calling them "features."

But while most of these "features" are all fun and games for the most part, this one notorious glitch in their 2015 Fallout 4 release has made history for breaking the players' games so much that they couldn't finish the main story.

The infamous teleporting platform bug was an error that occurred during the mission "The Molecular Level," in which you assemble a teleport inside one of your settlements.

Due to the finicky nature of the settlement building mechanics, in some cases, the game wouldn't register that you put down certain parts of the machine in your quest log. And once that happened, you better have made some backup saves before starting the mission, or else you had to abandon your save and start over.

Stripping the contraption down and building it again wouldn't make the quest objectives work, and reloading your game would yield similar results.

The bug was so bad that it forced some players to give up on their playthroughs altogether. In fact, even though the mission is patched now, some players still feel anxious whenever they get to the building part of the main storyline.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.