10 Most Infuriating Escort Missions In Gaming History

For all of the gripes you might have with modern gaming, is there anything as consistently, outrageously annoying as the escort mission?

For all of the gripes you might have with modern gaming, is there anything as consistently, outrageously annoying as the escort mission? You'll be having a blast playing through an awesome new game and then out of nowhere, you need to shepherd a usually wounded or useless character through a hazardous environment. The penalty for allowing the pathetic wretch to die? A tasty Game Over screen, and then you have to go through the whole thing again. Escort missions are easily one of the most-despised facets of contemporary gaming, yet developers continue to insist on including them in the most headache-inducing ways possible. Granted, the odd game has caught onto this and allowed the escort to die consequence-free (usually in side-missions), but given how most escort missions tie directly into the main narrative, you just have to keep re-trying until you find success. There are enough of these to fill a list of 50, but I've whittled it down to the 10 that scarred my psyche the most, the 10 that make me never want to go back to the game, no matter how great it is, for fear of wasting far too long babysitting some (usually unarmed) chump. As usual, please feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments! And did you actually manage to, dare I say, enjoy any of these missions?
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.