10 Infuriating Video Game Boss Battles That Made You Rage Quit

5. Shao Kahn - Mortal Kombat (2011)

Shao kahn mortal kombat

For anyone who frequents the Mortal Kombat series, they know just how daunting a task it can be to take down the ruler of Outworld, Mr. Kahn. And those same people knew they were in for a hell of a fight when the time finally came to square off against him in MK9's story.

First going at him with Liu Kang was annoying enough, but with some perseverance and patience you would eventually manage to succeed. The nightmare doesn't end here though, oh no, it's not even close. if you didn't break your controller during the first encounter, strap yourself in.

At the end of the story, you are forced to take on Shao Kahn with Raiden, and boy, oh boy, Kahn upped in difficulty. Not only will his X-Ray move take out nearly half of your health, yours will only take out a fraction of his. Simple punches decimate your health while essentially doing nothing to him. All this while Kahn is spamming move after move, light spear after light spear, hammer after hammer.

You're forced into learning to use Raiden, one of the more difficult characters to learn to play as, against the hardest and most annoying enemy in the game. On top of this, Shao Kahn will take a break from kicking your ass from one side of the screen to the other simply say "You suck."

Salt, meet wound.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.