10 Infuriating Video Game Bosses NOBODY Beat First Time - Commenters' Edition

6. Vergil - Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening (2005)

Witcher 3 dettlaff

The Devil May Cry series has a reputation for being blisteringly hard, long before games like Dark Souls made high difficulty more of an invitation than a deterrent in recent times. Still, those brave enough to have stepped into Dante's shoes will no doubt remember the lightning-quick scuffle between him and his twin brother-turned-archenemy, Vergil.

Though initially working together, a rift forms between the two when Vergil gives in to his demon side, lusting for power and not caring who he steps on to get it. As such, the brothers duke it out in spectacularly acrobatic fashion atop a tower in the Demon World.

Despite your opponent being a remarkably even match, it's still a struggle to keep up with Vergil's nippy manoeuvres and slashy attack patterns. Able to dash across the arena in the blink of an eye and deflect your bullets by spinning his sword in front of him, you've really got to pull your finger out on the swordplay front to even leave a scratch on your fashionable foe.

And, like all hard games, you can't expect to blag this fight in one go. Be prepared to knuckle down and get learning those timings.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.