10 Infuriating Video Game Bosses NOBODY Beat First Time - Commenters' Edition

5. Darkeater Midir - Dark Souls 3 (2016)

Witcher 3 dettlaff

Darkeater Midir is an optional boss of Dark Souls 3 DLC, The Ringed City, and is considered by many to be the true final boss of the series. A descendent of the original archdragons, Midir was tasked with battling the Dark for eternity, and continues to do so, even after it has consumed him entirely.

After a couple of brief encounters, the players confronts the dragon for real in an underground cavern. Midir's size is intimidating enough, but then when you find that your weapons barely even tickle him, you know you're in this one for the long haul.

His head is the weak point - relatively speaking, anyway - but there's no way you can know that until a good bit of experimenting with your attacks, and, inevitably, dying a couple of dozen times.

As you finally chip his health down to zero, you feel like a true dragon-slayer - but I take my hat off if you didn't die at least once doing so.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.