10 Infuriating Video Game Levels You Forgot You Hated

5. Rainbow Road - Mario Kart

mario kart rainbow road

Forever the bane of any Mario Kart player's existence, and the reason for plenty a frosty conversation following the stealing of a victory in a local multiplayer match; Rainbow Road and it's annoyingly curvy tracks are supposed to be challenging, yet end up flinging you off the edge for all manner of reasons instead.

Trying to navigate your way around a level that looks like the snapshot of a piece of candy lost in some garbage is one thing, but when you can barely see where you're going it's another entirely. Then factor in all the kart-toppling power-ups that come with any MK race and you've got a recipe for pure, white-knuckle rage.

There's a good reason everyone always groans when this pops up on any random track-selector, and when Mario Kart 9 releases in whatever future year it lands, Nintendo need to give this one the boot once and for all.

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