10 Infuriating Video Game Levels You Forgot You Hated

6. The Driver - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

gta vice city the driver

When you look back over Rockstar's work on Grand Theft Auto over the years, it's increasingly evident just how incredible their programming team became - stretching the same game engine that first produced GTA III's Liberty City all the way to Miami and especially San Andreas.

However, in doing so they repeatedly asked many things of a physics engine and control scheme that just wasn't up to par. How many of you actually went back and replayed the main campaign missions for any GTA? Chances are precisely because they're so haphazard in their difficulty and feel, once they're completed that's it for life. So flash back to 2002 and Vice City's neon-drenched landscape drew everyone in pretty well - only for this horrifically programmed mission 'The Driver' to make you long for a nearby punching bag.

See, you were racing against this guy called Hilary, who's car was literally programmed to be bolted to the road, making your vehicle spin out horribly if you got next to him.

Even if you did manage to get in front and were slowing down on a corner, he'd literally just barrel on through like you weren't there, sending you careening off into a nearby shop window and forcing a restart no matter how close to the end you might've been.

It was agony.

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