10 Infuriating Video Game Puzzles Fans Hated

8. Dishonoured 2 - The Jindosh Lock

Fez final puzzle

Another randomised puzzle here, but unlike the previous example, there isn't a possible one-in-four answer at the ready.

And in terms of progression halting, this is the very definition. You cannot continue unless you crack the inventor Jindosh's riddle of a lock. That's riddle in the literal sense, by the way.

The fiendish riddle presented to you is different each time, as is the answer. The true method is to complete either the gang war objective or find the answer throughout the level. Time consuming, yes, but also the most straightforward solution.

It's not impossible to brute force your way though the perplexing puzzle, but think of the math involved. There are five top and five bottom tumblers, meaning the combination variants are... much math. If you had the time, inclination and luck, you might stumble across the answer.

In an optimistic bent, this puzzle can be quite fun to those that love a good logistics puzzle from time to time. But to the majority, it's an absolute pain that involves just as much backtracking as, well, a Resident Evil game.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.