10 Infuriatingly Overpowered Video Game Enemies

3. Djinn - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Dragon Age Inquisition Bears
Naughty Dog

Out of everything in this list, this one feels most distinctly like it never got properly vetted and tested before the final product came out.

Including the Djinn from Uncharted 3 does feel a little bit like cheating. After all, they only appear for a single level in the whole game. But they're so cheap that they absolutely must be mentioned.

At first, it seems like nothing is wrong. Nathan Drake is on his way to stop yet another armed goon that is immune to anything that's not a head shot. Then, after Generic Henchman No. 1925 is killed, there's an explosion of fire and a Djinn is born.

First, they're on fire, making melee attacks nearly impossible. They have the ability to teleport anywhere, so cover can't be used. They also continually use their guns with annoying accuracy, so cover must be used.

Regular enemy types that throw grenades are annoying enough, but Djinn can lug grenades that instantly explode on impact, meaning Nate has no time to escape or return fire. On higher difficulties, this means instant death without warning.

Also, their health is so high that even taking a rocket directly to the face won't necessarily kill them. Seriously, somebody got paid to create this atrocity.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.