10 Infuriatingly Overpowered Video Game Enemies

2. Mirelurks - Fallout 4

Dragon Age Inquisition Bears

Bethesda certainly seems to have a habit in making their strongest enemy type different from their most iconic. It was the general assumption that deathclaws would be the hardest thing in Fallout 4 to destroy. Enter the mirelurks.

Deathclaws may be able to do quite a bit of damage, but it's really easy to find a weak spot. On the other hand, mirelurks have a shell that's seemingly made out of adamantium. They can scuttle up pretty quickly, and if they manage to get in close, your health is going to be cut in half very soon.

Their only weak spots are small, and accessible from the front. VATS is little to no help here, so you're going to be free shooting your way through this encounter. And since they're almost invincible when their back is turned, trying to get a stealth bonus may actually do more harm than good, quickly alerting the enemies to your location.

Perhaps the worst part is how melee attacks affect the player. While long range do damage and may bloody the screen slightly, a closer assault staggers you and prevents you from attacking. Mirelurks can take advantage of that, attacking in such quick succession that you'll have very little time to defend yourself or mount a comeback.

So, when the inevitable Fallout 5 rolls around, not many people would be disappointed to learn that mirelurks have gone extinct. Hint, hint, Bethesda.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.