10 Injustice Super Moves Taken Straight From The Comics

9. The Green Lantern Mech - Various Comics

Joker Injustice Death in the Family
DC Comics

One of the more obscure references within the Injustice finisher roster, the Green Lantern finishing move - which involves the hero making a mech with his powers, and then blasting his opponent with it - appears a homage to Kyle Rayner's habit of doing the exact same thing within the comics.

A graphic artist before he became a Green Lantern, Kyle's constructs have always been a little more extravagant than his less imaginative teammates, which repeatedly manifests in him crafting strangely elaborate Transformer lookalikes, and setting them on his enemies.

However, this reference is a weird one, as Kyle Rayner doesn't even appear as a playable character, as the only Green Lanterns you can control are Hal Jordan and John Stewart. As such, this finisher is as close as we can get to playing Kyle Rayner for the foreseeable future.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.