10 INSANE Game Plots You Won't Believe Exist

4. Hatoful Boyfriend

Silent Hill 4

Hatoful Boyfriend is a Visual Novel which enjoys being openly ridiculous, yet also has a strangely heart-warming premise. The main character is a human girl selected to attend the illustrious St. PigeoNation’s school. This is a place designed for birds by birds (who have become the dominant species in this universe).

The jarring contrast between the photo-realistic birds, which are seen constantly throughout the game, and the anime-style avatar used to introduce them is not the strangest part of this game by far. There are hints of a dystopic reality for humans- for example, the main character lives in a cave- and underlying tensions are only minor parts of a much larger plot.

As the single human attending this school, not only does the player have to integrate themselves within the life of the school and mingle with the feathered students, but there are various character routes to pursue as well. Each of these have their own distinct storyline and include everything from ghosts to bird biker gangs.

A fun, feathered entry, no matter which routes are chosen, any player’s time at St. PigeoNation’s Institute will be unforgettable.

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I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!