10 INSANE Game Plots You Won't Believe Exist

5. Ai: The Somnium Files

Silent Hill 4
Spike Chunsoft

When a mutilated body is discovered tied to a carousel horse at a long-abandoned amusement park, it becomes the responsibility of Kaname Date and his A.I. partner, Aiba, to solve this crime and prevent further murders. It immediately becomes apparent that this case is not a simple one.

Date is not a conventional member of the police force, however, but a member of an organisation named ABIS. He can “psync” with certain individuals who are linked to the case and dive into their subconscious (or Somnium) to reveal further clues. These strange, dream-like states highlight the dynamic between Date and Aiba in particular, as they bicker and banter their way through distorted realities.

The other characters who become intertwined with one another as the plot progresses are also very memorable. However, this does not mean that any of them are safe though depending on the various routes which unfold based upon the choices the player makes within each Somnium.

This is a game which does not shy away from showing the consequences for various actions, but whilst these may be gruesome or funny, or even heart-warming, they are all important.

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I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!