10 INSANE Game Plots You Won't Believe Exist

2. Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins Of The Moon

Silent Hill 4
Namco Bandai Games

Fragile Dreams takes place in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo, after the world has fallen into ruin. Humanity has mostly disappeared and after the death of his grandfather, the main character, Seto, wonders if he may be the last living human being. The world itself is also dying, having been covered in a strange dense fog.

The player is tasked with guiding Seto through this world, as he searches for a mysterious silver-haired girl and joins forces with various companions. Whilst combat can be unavoidable against the various ghosts and demons, the focus of the game is not survival horror, but the unfolding of a human story, despite some of the characters not being strictly human.

At rest points, a mysterious entity dressed in a chicken suit will appear to sell various items. Some of these are trinkets, which still retain the memories of their past owner. These provide a glimpse into the life of the owner before and during society collapsed. These snippets combined with Seto’s goal of finding a permanent companion compound the idea of loneliness and the importance of building bonds.

The beautiful yet desolate landscapes complement this theme perfectly- Fragile Dreams is a visually stunning game to experience.

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I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!