10 INSANE Game Plots You Won't Believe Exist

1. Silent Hill 4: The Room

Silent Hill 4

A person’s home is supposed to be a safe place, but nothing is guaranteed within the Silent Hill series. After becoming trapped in his apartment for several days by seemingly supernatural means, and unable to call attention to his plight in any way, shape or form, Henry Townshend finds a large hole in his bathroom.

This does not, however, lead to another apartment, or hallway but to various alternate dimensions, even less predictable than his increasingly corrupted room. Henry’s goal is to discover the cause behind his entrapment and how it links to the people (and enemies) he encounters within these strange realities.

After meeting various temporary acquaintances and collecting journal scraps from the apartment’s previous tenant, Joseph Schrieber, the dark story of the serial killer Walter Sullivan begins to come to light.

Being trapped in an undead state will not stop Walter from pursuing Henry though and as the game progresses, this cat and mouse chase only continues to escalate. With limited weapons and ammunition, survival is still a key component in this Silent Hill entry. Sometimes, running will be the only option though this will not always guarantee Henry’s safety. Nowhere is ever truly safe in Silent Hill.

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I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!