10 Insane Gaming Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

8. E.T Outsold Space Invaders

There€™s no doubt about it in that Space Invaders is a landmark game that helped tremendously in shifting the industry into something much larger than what we ever thought it could be. Even in the year 2014 it is widely referenced in mainstream pop culture ranging from other video games, to movies, to various hit songs, and more. I don€™t even think you should be allowed to read this article if you seriously don€™t know what Space Invaders is.

So then how in the blue hell did E.T €“ a game so poor and disastrous that it€™s widely associated with the infamous 80€™s industry crash €“ outsell Space Invaders? I assume the same reasons Grown Ups 2 smoked Pacific Rim at the box office; cr*p is contagious and bewilderingly will occasionally breed success. The final totals were 1.5 million copies of E.t sold and 1 million copies of Space Invaders.

Thankfully we€™re just discussing the Atari 2600 because I don€™t know if I want to live in a world where E.T is a more overall definitive gaming title.

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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.