10 Insane Gaming Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

3. GTA Was Born From A Glitch

Grand Theft Auto is arguably the industry€™s magnum opus as far as cultural phenomenons go, so it€™s incredibly terrifying to imagine a world without the $1billion franchise. What is, theoretically almost never was however for the concept of the controversial criminal hijinks was birthed from of all things, a totally accidentally glitch in a completely unrelated game.

Rockstar €“ originally known as DMA Design €“ were currently in production of an arcade vehicle centred game titled Race€™n€™Chase, which saw players chasing down criminals as police officers or escaping as criminals. During its play-testing period, those privileged with some hands-on experience realized that you could in fact run down other cops and civilians.

Similar to how you and I have embraced the violence for over a decade, aforementioned play-testers found this unintentional mishap amusing and addicting. Rockstar then rebuilt this never released game into Grand Theft Auto 1.

Although Grand Theft Auto never fully took off the runway until its third instalment, it€™s this glitch that really sparked the idea.

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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.