10 Insane Reasons That Video Games Were Missing Features

3. Dolby Surround Would've Made Players Sit Through Another Logo - Kirby Air Ride

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
HAL Laboratory

Another weird Nintendo decision now, albeit one that's actually pretty hilarious in retrospect.

2003's cult fave racing game Kirby Air Ride was originally intended to have Dolby Surround support, but game director Masahiro Sakurai recently revealed that he nixed it for one simple yet wildly unexpected reason - he didn't want to make players sit through yet another vanity logo at the start of the game.

Because Dolby Surround support would've required the Dolby logo to appear upon bootup for a few seconds, in turn making players wait a little longer to get into the game proper, Sakurai surmised that it just wasn't worth it.

Audiophiles might disagree, but it's nevertheless tough not to respect Sakurai's commitment to not wasting the time of his customers. As he himself put it:

"I feel very sorry for making the user wait... If you take one second from each user, that means you’ll be taking 10,000 seconds from 10,000 people. The more this repeats over the years, the more time you will cause players to lose."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.