10 Insane Things You Won't Believe Were Cut From Resident Evil Games

4. A Possible 2-Player Co-Op Mode? - Resident Evil 2 Remake

resident evil shark

Just when you think that the title couldn't have gotten any better, data miners who sifted through the code of the utterly brilliant Resident Evil 2 Remake found some clues to a game mode that might have made things even more impressive.

Amongst all the disgustingly realistic burger textures, miners found evidence of a potential two-player co-op mode within the game's files and even found a section in which Claire and Leon are on screen together as they work through an alley scene.

Whether or not this was how the original game's story mode would shape up, with two players constantly working together is unclear, but seeing as how the original game touted two different routes for the two protagonists and the issues with programming a partner A.I for those playing solo, this may well have been a standalone mode similar to Mercenaries, or indeed the remakes "Ghost Survivors Mode".

Seeing as these sections provide "What If?" scenarios maybe this could have been a "What if Claire and Leon Had Never Separated?"


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