10 Insane Things You Won't Believe Were Cut From Resident Evil Games

3. The Terrifying Hook Man - Resident Evil 4

resident evil shark

While I personally will always remember Resident Evil's E3 2009 showcase for Shinji Mikami telling me not to "pee my pants" at the new footage for Resident Evil 4, the rest of the world was looking in a very different direction from the safety of behind their sofas, as the "Hook Man" from this preview section was utterly terrifying!

Appearing to be made of mist and pure middle fingers, this hook-wielding foe seemed all but impervious to Leon's bullets and stalked him through some rather dark and dreary halls. The atmosphere captured in these short bursts left the world wagging their tongues in both excitements and with what this could mean for the rest of the game.

Unfortunately, due to a complete overhaul of the game's narrative, the Hook Man, who was rumored to be an illusion that would leap from paintings and mirrors to stalk Leon, was cut. However, if there's one thing that could have made the impossibly polished Resident Evil 4 even better, it would be a horrendous "you can't defeat me" villain like this!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.