10 Insane Video Game Details You Definitely Missed

2. If MULEs Are Knocked Out In Water, They Will Auto-Deploy A Flotation Device - Death Stranding

Death Stranding Mule
Konami & /r/DeathStranding

Hideo Kojima's divisive recent "AAA walking simulator" Death Stranding de-emphasises the importance of combat as much as possible across its epic, traversal-centric campaign.

But sooner or later you'll probably find yourself facing off against the MULEs, the demented rogue porters who want to steal protagonist Sam's cargo at any cost.

Players are encouraged to dispatch them with non-lethal means where possible, though if you're not paying attention to your surroundings, you might end up knocking a MULE out in the middle of a river and seemingly cause them to drown.

Except, the game effectively protects you from yourself by having the MULEs be equipped with an auto-deploying flotation device, which will equip itself to any MULE who is incapacitated in a body of water.

Better still, if things get perilous enough, the MULEs will even deploy an oxygen mask to ensure a violent current doesn't fill their airway with water.

Say what you will about Kojima, but the level of detail the man puts into his games is virtually unparalleled - save only for Rockstar, that is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.