10 Insane Ways Video Games Were Kept Under Wraps

1. It Was Developed Under The Working Title "Project Ogre" - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

The Last of Us Part 2

In November 2011, Hideo Kojima announced a new video game project by the codename of "Project Ogre," while tweeting out a work-in-progress gameplay screenshot from the title, and confirming the game would be a 100-hour open-world title.

Though Kojima is of course synonymous with the Metal Gear Solid franchise and the screenshot didn't look entirely dissimilar to the series, the game's open-world design and non-cinematic style sounded just different enough to convince many fans it was indeed an entirely new IP.

Kojima continued to drop cryptic hints about the game being centered on metaphorical "ogres," and declared it was quite a different venture compared to the Metal Gear Solid series.

He later insisted that it was unrelated to his Metal Gear Solid project Ground Zeroes, leaving fans to ponder for a time what the hell he was cooking up.

Roughly a year after the initial Project Ogre image was posted, Kojima dropped a trailer for the fruit of his labour - an apparently new IP called The Phantom Pain, which in a new trailer released a few months later was finally confirmed to indeed be Metal Gear Solid V.

The lesson here? Don't trust Hideo Kojima as far as you can throw him.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.