10 Insanely Cool Video Game Mechanics You Forgot About
8. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) - Real-Time Healing
One of the rare cases where the video game tie-in was better than the actual movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine was a visceral hack and slash game brimming with over-the-top action and a delightful amount of gore.
Although the campaign was disappointingly short-lived, this title was a constant delight to play. Fully embracing the violence of the source material, slicing through enemies was a satisfying bloodbath of brutality and dismemberment.
Another one of Origins: Wolverine's party tricks was its healing mechanic, which was as gory as the rest of the combat.
The more damage Wolverine took, the more visible wounds would appear on his body as bullets and explosions tore chunks of flesh away until his torso was mostly bone and tendons. Players could then watch in gleeful disgust as his eviscerated body healed itself in an impressive amount of detail.
A clever twist on the regenerating health mechanic that made perfect sense within the context of the titular hero's own regenerative powers, this was another part of this game that made Origins: Wolverine memorable.
However, this mechanic was only included in the Uncaged version of the game, meaning that anyone who didn't play on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 or Windows missed out.