10 Insanely Difficult PS4 Trophies That Weren't Worth The Effort

7. The Evil Within - You Asked For It

Bloodborne chalice dungeons
Tango Gameworks

The Evil Within games wears its inspiration from Resident Evil on its sleeve, from the over-the-shoulder camera work right down to unlockable difficulties and bonus weapons.

As it was, you could unlock a bevy of extra modes to tackle once you'd finished it, with Nightmare and AKUMU being the enticingly harder ones.

Naturally, you might think you're in for a treat if you can tackle them.

Well, from a trophy hunting perspective, yes. From an otherwise rewarding one, not... really.

AKUMU mode is, without a doubt, hard. Enemies can take you out in usually one or two hits, ammo is scarce, and the stakes are considerably raised.

So, you'd be well within your rights to think there'd be some ultimate reward for completing the ultimate difficulty, right? Something to crown the stockpile of weapons you've already unlocked.

Nope. Nothing.

There is a potential weapon to unlock, but you can get that on Nightmare mode too. Worse still, you can't use any of the bonus weapons on AKUMU mode.

It's a difficulty for the purists (or masochists, if you will) that has little reward besides a trophy, one that many haven't bothered with.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.