10 Insanely Difficult PS4 Trophies That Weren't Worth The Effort

3. Trials Fusion - Is There Anything You Can't Do?

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Trials games, by nature, can be hard enough just to finish normally. Oh sure, you get a time and retry threshold to each track, but to get the best times you need to put the blood, sweat and broken controllers in to get those [in-game] platinum track medals.

So whilst on paper I'm sure the challenges in Fusion seemed like a good idea at the time, the execution was a lesson in thumb twiddling torture.

There are some easy ones. Like do a few backflips on a particular track, easy enough.

Then there's the "complete this already nails track with a bike that has no engine and only pedals" hard stuff. The difficulty in these things ramps up harder than some of the races do.

And your reward? A mere silver trophy.

No super-amazing new bike as a reward, no new outfits or anything that'd make it worthwhile in game.

Just a silver trophy for accomplishing something harder than all of the Extreme tracks. At least they didn't have daft requirements, like not putting a front wheel down for half a track.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.