10 Insanely Long Open-World Games That ARE Worth Finishing

9. Cyberpunk 2077

red dead redemption 2
CD Projekt RED

CDPR is known for its incredibly long open-world RPGs. In fact, before this game's initial release dragged their reputation through the mud, CDPR games were essentially seen as "Bethesda games for folks who hate Bethesda games".

But despite the fact that it's now all patched up, you may need some extra convincing to give Cyberpunk 2077 a whirl. I mean, even if it IS an amazing game now, it's a CDPR game, and really, who has that kind of time?

Well, don't worry, you do. The game will make you make that time, because with all the bugs gone, what's left is one of the tightest, most fascinating RPGs in recent memory.

The combat is fun as hell without losing that beloved CDPR complexity, the sci-fi GTA angle is a great evolution of the open-world structure of The Witcher 3, and instead of finding glitches around every corner, you find some of the most brutal storytelling in the company's history. Ya know, in case you thought Edgerunners was unique in that regard.

Speaking of Edgerunners, 2077's storytelling being the biggest draw to finishing it is fascinatingly paradoxical in the same way as Studio Trigger's anime spinoff. Because you know things will rarely if ever end well - that's just how Cyberpunk as a genre functions - but you want to try anyway. And even when the game hits you with brutal moment after brutal moment, it's all done with a catharsis that leaves you wholly satisfied.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?