10 Insultingly Bad Video Game Movie Characters
7. Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog is what you get when the furries go too far. Now, Sonic is obviously not designed by furries, but it is designed to appeal to them. Sonic is a weird, small monster with human teeth, human hands, human feet, and a nose that makes the Whos down in Whoville jealous.
His fur is made out of leftover Tickle Me Elmos left out in the rain too long. How this is derived from the games in anyway is perplexing. It's like someone heard there was a fast animal that was blue and they took it from there. This thing looks more like the Road Runner than
Sonic the Hedgehog, in the games, doesn't look like a hedgehog at all. But that's fine. He looks like a rude, cool dude with attitude. He's got style, he's got grace, and he spins into your face. He's amazing.
The film looked at that and went, "Okay, what if we take what's good about that, and merge it with Bigfoot?" It's so hideous the director has apologized for the design, and while he will never be forgiven, he's still working on a fix.