10 Insultingly Bad Video Game Movie Characters

5. Yoshimitsu

Yoshimitsu is fighting game's greatest creation. He weaves and dodges between different series, including Tekken and Soul Caliber. He is one of the hardest characters to play and as time went on he changed from an oddly cyborg skeleton thing to a Xenomorph with an opened rib cage.

So of course when they decided to make Tekken a film, Yoshimitsu's design had to go. You can't just make a cool video game movie character -- it's not allowed. So in the film, instead of being a cyborg alien, he is a normal man, with a weird looking mask.

That's it. It's the equivalent of taking Transformers and adapting it into a movie about some cars.


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.