10 Insultingly Bad Video Game Movie Characters

4. Goomba

Super Mario Goombas
Buena Vista

The Goombas are one of the most timeless and least complex character designs in video game history. They are, more or less, small mushrooms that move back and forth.

Throw some googly eyes on a fungus and you've got a Goomba.

Then someone decided that there needed to be a Super Mario Bros. movie. Because God abandoned us so long ago we've forgotten her name.

This film is full of terrible things, including a Max Headroom rip-off and some burnt Blade Runner sets. But the worst thing is the Goombas.

In a good world, you could not call these Goombas. They're uppity lizards in suits. This design looks like David Beckham's knees. It looks like a cancerous mole thrown under a microscope. It looks like Godzilla's hemorrhoids. It's an abomination unto God.

Not a single part of them looks at all like the original aside from the fact that... they have eyes? It seems like an entire film was made about an alternate, dinosaur-ridden world and then Nintendo went, "Hey, should we make a Super Mario movie," and the studio went, "Eh, we weren't using this movie anyway," and just shoved Mario names on top.


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.