10 Interesting But Underused Creatures In Dungeons And Dragons

9. Aboleths

D&D Creature
Wizards of the Coast

Ancient power-hungry amphibians that once ruled the earth, Aboleths love to make people serve them and are always looking for new slaves. They have the combined memories of all their ancestors, making them extremely intelligent and dangerous. They can communicate telepathically with creatures and by doing this, learn their deepest desires. Some beings are enslaved, while others are made empty promises by this deceiving monster.

Aboleths are not the strongest creatures, that’s for sure. A cr of 10 and some average attacks make it seem quite weak for a big villain. That isn’t where the strength of the creature lies, though. They are patient and dangerous planners.

Eternity is a long time to think about your master plan and they are always thinking. You would be foolish to believe that an Aboleth would be alone, after all, they are slave masters and can control other creatures to do their dirty work.

If all else fails to scare you, there is one big problem for your adventuring party. Aboleths are essentially immortal. When killed they will eventually return to the mortal plane, with all their memories intact. Including their burning hatred for that adventuring party that killed them.

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