10 Intimidating Video Game Characters We're Glad Were On Our Side!

7. Cicero - Skyrim

Cicero Night Mother

Were Skyrim a film and not a video game, Cicero would be a downright horror character. He's deeply, deeply unhinged, and fanatically worships the Night Mother - an emaciated corpse who is supposedly the wife of the dark god Sithis, and thus can still communicate with the living to order out assassinations.

If this weren't enough, Cicero's adoration of the Night Mother crosses the line from worrying into deeply, deeply unsettling. especially when he speak about oiling her body in the "hard to reach places".

While you are given the option to fight and kill Cicero in your final Brotherhood quest with him, it's worth mentioning that he will not attack you unless you start wailing on him, proving he's your ally until you offer him no alternative.

And when you're given the choice between enlisting an insane, bloodthirsty jester with mad assassination ability, or killing him, it's fair to say most would choose the first option - especially when it nets you the man as a potential sidekick.

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