10 Jaw-Dropping Action Scenes That Defined Their Video Games

5. The Phalanx - Shadow Of The Colossus

shadow of the colossus
Team ICO

Shadow of the Colossus is an epic, both figuratively and literally. Despite containing only 16 enemies, every one of them is a blast to face off against. Each are distinct with their own strengths and weaknesses, and while all of them deliver thrilling action in their own unique way, the 13th Colossus is arguably the most extraordinary of the bunch.

Resembling what can only be described as an odd combination of whale and snake, this flying Colossus, called the Phalanx, is the largest in the game. In order to take it down, you have to get in close on ground level, ride along side it until you are close enough to jump onto one of its fins, and climb its body length until you find its weak points. While you do this, it will twist and turn in an attempt to shake you off, all while you are hundreds of feet in the air.

The battle with the Phalanx is a master class in monster-sized action; a perfect combination of scale, speed, and strategy elevated by the beautiful art design and magnificent soundtrack to create an experience of pure unadulterated joy. It’s just challenging enough, and even a bit scary depending on your proclivity towards heights, but it's also incredibly fun.

It honestly feels like a ride, which adds a childlike sense of wonder to an action-packed and unforgettable gaming experience.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.