10 Kart Racing Games You Won't Believe Exist 

8. Antz Extreme Racing

Muppet Race Mania
Empire Interactive

Despite only being remembered as the Bug's Life rip-off, 1998's Antz spawned not one, not two, but FOUR spin-off video games.

Antz was the first movie released by DreamWorks Animation and was only the third ever fully computer-animated movie.

Despite the controversy surrounding it, Antz continued to be mined for content many years after its release, an example of this coming in 2001 with the release of Antz Racing on the Game Boy Colour.

Very little about this game exists online, but there's much more written about its sequel, 2002's Antz Extreme Racing.

This game - released over four years after Antz first hit the cinemas - gave players the choice of just two characters to begin with, Woody Allen's Z and Sharon Stone's Bala, with the opportunity to unlock four more characters throughout the game.

It's safe to say that this game reviewed as well as its source material did. Metacritic rated both the PlayStation and Xbox version of the game in the mid-to-low thirties and the Antz series of video games died with Extreme Racing.

If it makes DreamWorks feel any better, A Bug's Life only got one spin-off game, so I guess we know who the winner here is.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.