3. League of Legends
League of Legends is another online fantasy game with a notoriously cranky user-base, despite being one of the more enjoyable games of its type in recent years. While one would expect a little bit of fun, jokey banter between teams - the sort of stuff that makes killing them far more enjoyable - there's an odd tendency for most of the genuine ire to come from your own team-mates. Don't be fooled by the spritely look and bright colours of the game as pictured above; this game has a savage, fierce online community, who take simple elitism and combine it with some of the most disgraceful potty-mouths you've seen this side of a David Mamet film. It is positively not, despite how it might look, a game that your children can play; it is thoroughly obscene, a fact made more insidious and amusing given that this looks on the surface something a 3-year-old might like the look of. For adults, the juxtaposition of ridiculous looking, larger-than-life characters and foul verbiage can be kind of amusing, but one can't imagine the developers intended the game to be seen this way.