10 Landmark Video Games Everybody Else Rips Off

1. Halo - Regenerating Shields

All of the games on this list represent industry-wide shifts in game design. Of these, Halo is arguably the title which altered the course of its genre more than any other. The franchise has its detractors (and you're welcome to fire off in the comments below), but deep down even the most vehement anti-Halo activists know that Bungie's 2001 hit changed console FPS gaming forever. Competitive multiplayer was hugely impacted by the franchise debut's 8-way system link sessions, and even more so with the stellar Xbox LIVE matchmaking of its sequel. While a number of Halo features have gone on to become genre standards (the 2-weapon load-out restriction; more accessible grenade usage), it was the implementation of regenerating shields which led to the franchise's most meaningful contribution to FPS gaming. The shield re-gen itself isn't particularly significant, but it was the root of Halo 2 and the evolution to regenerating health, and as such can be considered a a watershed moment. Today the idea of crawling around in the dark desperately searching for a health pick-up sounds ludicrous, especially in the context of online multiplayer. Instead it has become second nature to take damage until the screen is pulsing red and then find a quiet place to hide while we wait for magical healing. It's hardly realistic, but then neither is instant healing via health packs. It's game-changing design concept which is now seen in just about every first person shooter.
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Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.