10 Least Threatening Video Game Protagonists

6. Peter Pepper (Burger Time)

Kirby character
Data East

Peter Pepper is a chef tasked with creating enormous burgers while being pursued by villainous eggs, pickles and hot dogs in this classic arcade game from 1982. You would think that, as a chef, he might know how to handle food, but Peter Pepper is actually remarkably inoffensive.

The only way Peter can fight back is to sprinkle a little pepper on his adversaries, which stuns them momentarily, or by trying to crush them inside his big burgers by timing his movements just right so that the various ingredients land on his enemies as they walk along the multi-tiered stages.

Anyone who can't handle an angry anthropomorphic fried egg isn't exactly going to be regarded as a particularly tough protagonist, and Peter Pepper is clearly a cooker, not a fighter. While heroes like Dante or Solid Snake would blast those bad snacks away, Peter takes much more of a pacifist approach.

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