10 Legendary Nintendo Characters We're All Sick To Death Of

2. Pokemon Trainer/Ash

As I stated earlier when talking about Pikachu, this kid is immortal (and I'm not just talking about Ash Ketchum). The entire story arc of an innocent Pokemon trainer achieving his destiny by becoming a Pokemon master has been completely played out, to the point where the TV series - where Ash still hasn't achieved his goal in two decades - is almost a parody of itself, at least in my eyes. Some Pokemon games have actually managed to get away from this archaic formula, with concepts introduced in Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Colosseum. The latter is a game many of us want Nintendo to revisit, as it featured a protagonist with an agenda aside from winning gym badges or taking pictures on rails in a park. It hurts to think about the amazing potential a Pokemon game would have if you played as a villain, or even grunt member of the infamous Team Rocket. The world of Pokemon is filled with awesome content for developers to shape a game around, yet they continue to focus on mildly fun adventures we've already had over a dozen times.
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Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com